Hedda Gabler Characters



Hedda Gabler

Hedda Gabler is the daughter of General Gabler who is a rich man. She belongs to a high class and a famous family, her lifestyle is also very luxurious. In the beginning of the play. She is just returning back from honeymoon with her husband George Tesman. Hedda married name is Hedda Tesman. She is a complex character, In the Play we see, she suffered from many emotional and psychological dilemmas. First we see could not find a suitable man or a best match for marriage and secondly, when she married, could not establish a good relationship with her husband. She, at the end of the play commits suicide.

Hedda Gabler Characters

George Tesman:

     George Tesman was a scholar and a researcher of history. He remained busy in research even during his honeymoon. Hedda married him. After marriage he tried his best to keep happy his wife. But unfortunately, he failed to establish a good mutual understanding with her. His wife feels boredom in spite of all his multiple attempts.


Juliana Tesman:

                             Juliana Tesman or Aunt Juju, is another important character among the characters of Hedda Gabler” play .She is the aunt of George Tesman. When parents of George Tesman died, she brought him up and afford all his expenses. Aunt Juju and aunt Rina bought a new house for the new couple. (George Tesman and Hedda) She has intense desire that Tesman and Hedda should have a baby.

Hedda Gabler Characters

Judge Barack:

                        Judge Brack is a friend of both Tesman and Hedda, he visits their house regularly. Hedda established friendship relation with him in order to overcome her boredom feelings. He is the cynical person by nature.his role as a villain as Othello villain. Judge Brack wants to control over Hedda but he failed. At the end, she preferred suicidal death rather than surrender before him. 

Eilert Loevborg

       Eilert Loevborg is the writer and Tesman's biggest competitor. He is a notorious alcohol drinker. Eilert Loevborg is also a former lover of Hedda. When Hedda refused to establish any kind of illicit relationship with him, he starts drinking. Later on, he married another lady Mrs. Elvested who helped him in his writing and research. He commits suicide with at the mid of play.



              Mrs.Elvsted is a passionate woman .She helped her husband in his writing and research. She was a friend and class fellow of Hedda. Mrs.Elvsted was wife of an aged person later on she marries Eilert Loevborg. However, she doesn't like his alcoholism habit.


She is maid servant of Tesman family. Bertha, tries very best to please Hedda but Hedda is not satisfied with her.

Aunt Rina:

 Aunt Rina is the only character among the characters of “Hedda Gabler” play that did not appear on the stage because she died at the start of the play. Therefore, she doesn't appear.








Villain in Othello | Othello villain



In the vast realm of Shakespearean there are tragedies and in the realm of lake poets there is romance but Shakespeare's Othello stands as a timeless masterpiece that delves deep into the intricacies of human nature, jealousy, and manipulation. At the heart of this tragic narrative is one of literature's most enigmatic villains – Iago. As we peel back the layers of Othello's antagonist, we find a character whose cunning schemes and motives are as complex as the human psyche itself.


Villain in Othello | Othello villain
Villain in Othello or Othello villain is Iago.

I. The Machinations of Deceit:

Villain in Othello is Iago. His villainy lies not just in his actions but in the methodical way he orchestrates chaos. Unlike other Shakespearean villains driven by overt ambition or a thirst for power, Iago's motives are elusive. His motives are shrouded in a web of deception, making him a puppet master pulling the strings from the shadows. One cannot ignore the psychological depth of Iago's manipulation. His ability to exploit the weaknesses of those around him, especially Othello, is a testament to Shakespeare's understanding of the human condition. Iago preys on Othello's insecurities, using them as tools to unravel the very fabric of trust and love.

II. The Green-Eyed Monster:

Jealousy, the green-eyed monster, means Othello villain, is the driving force behind Iago's villainy. While other Shakespearean villains may lust for power or revenge, Iago's envy is rooted in the perceived slights against him. His jealousy is not only directed towards individuals but also towards societal constructs, such as Othello's interracial marriage to Desdemona.

Iago's jealousy made him Villain in Othello and all-consuming, poisoning every relationship around him. His own bitterness becomes a contagion that spreads through the play, infecting characters and leading them down a path of destruction. This thematic exploration of jealousy adds a layer of universality to Othello, as it mirrors the destructive nature of envy in the real world.

III. The Complexity of Motive:

What makes Iago an intriguing villain is the complexity of his motives. Unlike characters with straightforward ambitions, Iago's reasons for orchestrating the downfall of those around him are multi-faceted. Some scholars argue that his actions are driven by racism, while others emphasize his resentment towards perceived betrayals. Shakespeare leaves Iago's motives deliberately ambiguous, allowing for diverse interpretations. This ambiguity invites readers and audiences alike to grapple with the enigma of Iago, pondering the intricate interplay of factors that lead him to become the architect of tragedy.

Villain in Othello | Othello villain
Villain in Othello | Othello villain

IV. The Mirror of Humanity:

Villain in Othello, Iago's villainy is not confined to the realm of fiction; it serves as a mirror reflecting the darker aspects of human nature. As we navigate the labyrinth of Iago's mind, we confront uncomfortable truths about envy, deceit, and the potential for malevolence that resides within us all.

By embodying the complexities of human psychology, Iago transcends the boundaries of his fictional existence. He becomes a cautionary tale, urging us to examine our own motivations and the consequences of unchecked emotions. In this sense, Othello becomes a timeless exploration of the human condition, with Iago as its enigmatic guide.

V. Tragic Irony: Iago's Unraveling:

Despite his cunning and manipulation, Iago's downfall is rooted in the very traits that define him. His web of lies becomes so convoluted that he loses control, and the consequences of his actions spiral beyond his intentions. The tragic irony lies in the fact that Iago, the master of manipulation, becomes ensnared in his own deceit. As the play hurtles towards its tragic conclusion, Iago's character serves as a poignant reminder of the inherent self-destructive nature of villainy. In attempting to destroy others, Iago inadvertently destroys himself, a testament to the inexorable link between one's actions and their ultimate consequences. Villain in Othello, is the shrewdest. Othello villain is Iago.


In the tapestry of Shakespearean villains, Othello villain, Iago stands as a unique and perplexing figure. His motives, driven by jealousy and resentment, create a character whose villainy is as intriguing as it is disturbing. As we dissect the layers of Iago's complexity, we find reflections of our own humanity – a stark reminder that the capacity for malevolence resides within us all. Othello, with Iago at its dark core, remains a timeless exploration of the human psyche and the consequences of unchecked emotions. In unraveling the enigma of Iago, we not only uncover the intricacies of Shakespeare's craft but also confront the unsettling truths that make Othello a tragic masterpiece for the ages.

Lake poets in English Literature



Lake poets in English Literature referred to a group of poets lived in the "Lake District" of England. This group some time is known as a "Lake School" Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey are the main characters of the Lake poets in English Literature. This group of poets had a distinct position among all literary men. William Wordsworth and Coleridge mutual work Lyrical Ballads is called Magna Charta for all the writers of the Romantic Age. You can say without any doubt the lake poets are founder and pioneer of Romantic Movement in England.

Lake poets in English literature's summery is that they lived in lake district.Lake poets definition mean group of   three poets  Wordsworth Coleridge and Southey.Wordsworth one of the lake poets who is the most  prominent among all Lake poets

 Common Ideas among the Lake poets:

 Lake poets in English Literature had many common things among them, First of all, they all were close friends and lived together in the Lake District. They all spent almost long and short period of their lives in this district. The lake poets were cooperative and had  same revolutionary ideas. It is  pertinent to mention here that all were young at the time of French Revolution 1789 and American War of Independence of 1776.These historical events created a hope and excitement among these lake poets. Wordsworth in the Prelude wrote "bliss was it in that dawn to be alive" it was an  indication of hope for the future in the spirits of young poets. Besides, Wordsworth other writers are also expecting same changes in England.


Like French Revolution 1987 that brought freedom from Social Authority ,Lake poets also desired some revolutionary changes or freedom from literary rules and conventions laid by classical school in English literature.These rules and conventions prevented a poet to work freely or express his experiences in exact real form. Moreover! In the age of classical School no creative work is done by the classic writers. They just interpreted work of ancient writers and followed their rules. Poetry has no worth, more importance is given to the prose. Poetry in that age was in prose form. Artificial and  Dry intellectualism were salient features of classical school, in such circumstances ,lake poets in English literature especially, William Wordsworth  had  refused to abide by the rules and conventions and introduced a new type of poetry that was simple ,easy to understand ,natural and sentimental. William Wordsworth naturalism and Coleridge Super-naturalism are considered main characters of Romantic Movement in England.

 Wordsworth told ,a poet should have more capacity or qualities comparative to a common man. According to Wordsworth "A poet is man endowed with more lively sensibility, more enthusiasm and tenderness, who has a greater knowledge of human nature and a more comprehensive soul, than are supposed to be common among mankind" this statement was an attack on the ideal of convention based on reason and rationality which had been blindly followed .He had also opposed the "gaudiness and inane phraseology" of the classical style. He stressed to adopt simple language of the  lower or middle class people as a medium of poetry.

Wordsworth and Coleridge reaction against classical school appeared in the form of "Lyrical Ballads” published in 1798. It was a collectively work of Coleridge and Wordsworth.Second Edition published in 1800. These Lyrical Ballads replaced complex diction  of classical writers to a simple and common diction of a common man's language ,Rules of predecessor's were violated or revolted by these lake  poets .In the first Edition of Lyrical Ballads only simplicity and natural diction was discussed whereas in the second edition theories of imagination were described. That's why, lyrical Ballads, according to some critics, called "Magna Charta of Romantic Age English poetry"

According to new form of poetry introduced by Romantics, Poet had at liberty to write on anything that he desired or experienced. We may observe this fact, in romantic age each poet wrote according to his interest and choice Wordsworth showed  interest in naturalism, Coleridge favorite field is Super-naturalism, Keats loves beauty, some poets went to Greek and medieval age  and others liked Golden Age .it was also very interesting thing to note that the romantic age produced more poets comparatively all others ages of English Literature ,it is due to freedom in poetry/ writing .Credit of this freedom went to lake poets. Besides, William Wordsworth and Coleridge third main character of Lake Poets is Southey. He had not enough creative faculty as Wordsworth and Coleridge had. But he was close to them cooperative and acclaimed their works. He wrote some poems and short description. Therefore, he falls among the Lake poets in English literature.



To conclude, we can say Lake Poets in English Literature not only got distinct position at the time of Romantic Age but also got supreme place in the history of English Literature.